All that I can say is THANK GOD FOR BILL BEAN!!!
While I understand that I was delivered through the Grace OF GOD, working in Bill Bean, I am eternally in Bill’s debt. He saved me and gave me a life, a life that I was always meant to have.
Melinda Mckamey
Case Manager for Bill Bean Ministries
My life is forever changed, and I give all the glory to GOD! It was YAHWEH ELOHIM working through Rev. Bill, my Brother and Spiritual Warrior, that made it happen.
Desiree Valdez
PR / Marketing / Content Producer Bill Bean Ministries
“I’m not just Bill’s spokesperson. I am a client.”
I called Bill, and we talked, and then I asked him to perform a deliverance for me and free me from the darkness that had haunted me for 13 years. And he did. And my life changed in ways that I can’t describe. Not in words on paper. I did a lot of good in my days as a pastor, and evil doesn’t like that, so I’m probably always going to be a target. What I did learn is that there is true and real help available for those who seek it.
R Travis Shortt
Spokesperson for Bill Bean
Words from Tom Danheiser
Bill has helped countless people battle some of the scariest real-life issues. In my book, he has dedicated his life to helping others, making him a good human being! I have witnessed his work and can tell you he is the real deal. He is the original “Spiritual Warrior,” and I am glad to call him my friend!
Tom Danheiser Senior Producer/Coast To Coast AM
A Champion of Faith!
Bill Bean has stood tall as a champion of faith.
George Noory Host of Coast to Coast AM
I met Bill Bean and my life changed!
I was sick, depressed and dealing with something very dark in my life. Then I met Bill Bean and my life changed in a very short amount of time. I lost 123 pounds and regained my health after a decade of horrible sickness. God worked through Bill to give me a brand new life. I currently use my life experience along with Bill's teachings to help others. I have learned so much from Bill and consider him as my best friend.
Jeff Leeper
Bill Bean saved my life!
Bill really saved my life. A true spiritual warrior and humble servant of God.
Dan Monaco
Bill Bean saved my life!
I stand and Testify in God’s Court! Reverend Bill Bean saved my life!
Guenevere Kern
Doctors could not determine the basis of the problem
Our son was exhibiting what we thought as strange and self-destructive behavior. Doctors could not determine the basis of the problem after prescribing numerous drugs at varying doses. We turned to Reverend Bean. He quickly knew the source of the problem was demonic. He performed a full deliverance of our son, who is now on the path to a blessed life. Reverend Bean stands by our son as a life coach. We thank God and Reverend Bean for the future and its new promises.
Bill you are truly a gift from God
Bill you are truly a gift from God. I was at the end of my rope and I'm forever in your debt. If I can ever assist you in any way, I'm at your disposal. I'm truly looking forward to moving on with my life, without the heavy chains of oppression.
God Bless you.
Sean Darby
I don't know what I would have done without Rev. Bill Bean
I don't know what I would have done without Rev. Bill Bean.
He and his assistant were very supportive of when had to have my former home cleared.
His work is so important.
Beth Hanken
I will be forever grateful for the deliverance that you performed
I will be forever grateful for the deliverance that you performed. You are truly anointed to do this. I am continually praying as you instructed and the Spiritual Warfare prayer seems to be the most powerful. Im feeling like myself again!
I will never forget the huge blessing that you performed.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!
Michael Loffredo
I'm forever grateful to God for working through Bill to save my life
I was under demonic oppression and had attempted suicide several times. Then through a friend I was guided to Bill Bean. Since meeting Bill, my life has been totally transformed and I'm forever grateful to God for working through Bill to save my life. I feel that Bill Bean is one of God's mightiest warriors on this Earth!
Sgt. John Drenner
Bill your kindness and God given gifts have given me my life back
You are a blessing Bill and I wouldn’t be here without you.
My life has been miraculously transformed and it's amazing.
Susan Bell
Hello Bill!
The exclamation mark signifies my reply to you regarding change/s is truly nothing less than Gods most recent gift delivered through an angel. My entire family- husband and BOTH daughters went to see a movie tonight and I had to compose myself because I saw them smiling. All three.
It has been so darn long since I’ve seen them smile. Additionally I did not have one of the horrible nightmares that have cursed me for years , and my heart feels light and I have felt happiness. God bless you and my prayers can be counted on for you, your family, and in all your missions.
Thank you, Bill.
God bless you,
Wendy M. Stone
Again, I thank and praise God, Father Yahweh, for you Reverend Bill! None of this is a coincidence, He sent me to you! He used you powerfully an
d mightily to do a mighty deliverance in me to heal me of all my wounds and the great pain they caused me, to set me free from Satan's grip, from demonic attachments, from all the chains that kept me bound in the invisible prison that I was in my entire life, from all the captivity I was in accordingly. This brings to my mind a great book I use to have a long time ago titled "He came to set the captives free".
I had been longing for this day of this miracle from God all my life, and now it has finally come! And I am deeply honored that He used someone like you who He anointed so powerfully and mightily to be one of His Mighty Warriors, to work through to do all of this for me. I must tell you again that I believe that God has made you one of His commanders in His heavenly armies. I don't think He would mind this, do you?
God worked through YOU to completely deliver me and set me FREE from the tragic life I had lived since I was born. He saw everything I had been through since my life began, because He was always with me, and He heard all of my desperate cries for His help. I came to realize at a very young age that He was always with me, even though I didn't understand this, because I always knew Him.
I am truly FREE!
Thank you Reverend Bill for all you did for me. I will always be forevermore thankful and grateful to you.
God bless you and keep you!
Roxanne Powers
Warrior Mode: Faith Strength & Courage
My name is Brodie McKenzie I live in Port Coquitlam British Columbia. Canada, I want to thank you for your faith determination to help the spirits here in the three dimensional world. I have purchased your book the connection a Kindle version so my Screen reader can read it to me on my iPhone. I am looking forward to the listen as I am blind from a hereditary Eye condition called Leber’s hereditary optic Neuropathy. I lost my central vision and most of my eyesight June 2012 and since then I recently was diagnosed with stage for Hodgkin’s lymphoma last year April 2017. These two diseases I am still battling but the cancer I beat August 2017, because I always said to myself.
Warrior mode faith, strength, and courage.
I would say a little prayer to God and I was in bed suffering from the horrific conventional treatment chemo therapy I kept on breathing and praying. And I am here today blood tests and scans are clear, thank you for reminding us that God is with us as long as we have faith we will have strength for anything.
Thank you, peace be with you.
Brodie McKenzie
Best wishes for your ministry and future endeavors Bill
I discovered Warrior Mode last summer shortly after I had a serious accident and suffered a burst spinal fracture. I had to wear a back brace for several months and would listen to Warrior Mode after returning home from checkups in the Mater Hospital Dublin. It was a great source of encouragement and inspiration during this difficult time. I also bought copies of Dark Force Revisited and The Connection which I thought were excellent. Thank God I have made a terrific recovery and after attending multiple physio appointments etc., I have been able to return to my regular job. I still listen to Warrior Mode every Monday and appreciate your message and the work that you do.
Seán O'Keeffe
Dundalk, Ireland
I have been doing some reflection and while it is troubling to think about in too much detail, I have come to be grateful for the experience. Grateful to have gone through it and survived. Immensely thankful for you and the work you do. Amazed that you were willing to drop everything in your incredibly busy life, and drive all the way to Jacksonville FL to help someone you never met. Without this experience I would have never met you and had this rebirth of my faith. I was always a believer in God, but wasn’t living it or feeling it consciously. Now I feel a profound, overwhelming joy and gratitude for this life EVERY SINGLE DAY! And when I pray, I thank God for you and pray that he keeps you safe and healthy. There can’t be a value placed on the work you do. So stay strong and keep doing what you were meant to do. You truly save lives.
Thank you again for everything you do!
Stella Linsangan
Thank you, Bill,
I'm constantly praising God for the miracle that took place here when you came.
God bless
Frank, Cheryl and Fayth
Stanwood, WA
Bill, I appreciate you and your family more than I can ever Express. Thank you for saving me from the Evil that had attached to me.
Lydia Bell
(Bill Bean helped Lydia on Travel Channel's Holzer Files Oct 24, 2019)
I had quite a serious case with ancestral demons and fallen angels that refused to leave me. Not only did they refuse but prior deliverance ministers were repeatedly unsuccessful in not being able to expel them. Witchcraft curses and evil voices caused lost jobs, anxiety, depression, extreme levels of loneliness, sadness and plenty confusion (and much more) in my life. Became extremely exhausted and discouraged after well over 30 attempted deliverance sessions during this year each lasted 5hours. Started to pray excessively to the Lord for guidance and direction.
While praying happened to stumble upon Bill Bean website. Immediately scheduled a session in less than 30 minutes I had been fully delivered from the huge load of demons and ancestral witchcraft curses broken. After so many lengthy, failed deliverances there was Success! The Almighty worked beautifully through Bill broke the curses and expelled the many evil spirits that took place in ruining my life for over 39 years. Hallelujah I'm Finally Free! He even sealed me from any further future witchcraft curses it will reverse back to sender. I thank my eternal love Yahweh the Awesome Almighty for his son Bill Bean.
LaTasha S
God really does work in mysterious and wonderful ways!
My fiancé, Daryl, heard an interview with Reverend Bill Bean on Coast-to-Coast radio, introducing me to him at exactly the right time in my struggles. For the last few years, the dark side had been oppressing me after multiple trauma and family tragedies. Despair had weakened me. I had tried everything to escape this nightmare. Thanks to Bill's ministerial dedication, strong faith and compassion, my life has now been changed to one of personal empowerment, hope for the future and the unshakable certainty that God is the strongest power in the universe.
His eternal light overcomes the darkness. We can witness the power of prayer and love in action with the deliverance process.
Melanie Cunningham
Annan, Scotland
Bill came in the middle of a tremendous downpour. God love him. He spent a lot of time plumbing the depths of our traumas and fears. By the power of Yahweh in Jesus Name THEY ARE GONE, REMOVED, CAST OUT, NO MORE EXISTING IN ON OR AROUND US!!!! Praise God we are FREE!
Gretchen Teeter
Dear Reverend Bean,
After your call on Friday, August 3 amazing things begin to happen. I got up from the chair I was sitting in and was on my way to take the shower that you suggested. The pain in my body and my legs that had been constant for the past few weeks was gone. When the pain began those weeks ago, I thought I was having a flareup of fibromyalgia. Since our conversation I have felt so different. The house even feels brighter and more airy. I have gotten the energy back that had waned for several weeks. That drained feeling is totally gone as is the feeling of helplessness.
Thank you for all that you do to help others. May God continue to bless you and keep you safe.
Janet Laws
Bill, thank you for what you are doing for mankind. It's very much needed.
Jenn Harding
"I reached out to Bill; he got rid of things… my life changed."
"Love this man! You saved my life 4 yrs ago. I thank you for changing my life."
Danielle S
Bill I thank you so very much for coming to help me and for using the gifts that God has anointed you with. I was in such horrible despair and was so hopeless. I was terribly depressed and the pain I felt was unbearable, but I prayed and ask the lord to send someone to help me and he sent you. My life is forever changed after God worked through you to deliver me from evil. I'm so overjoyed that I can't contain myself in my endless praise to God. Bill has the ability to make you feel comfortable and safe. I was able to speak freely and truthfully to him and it was amazing to feel all of the negativity lifting from me. I will forever consider Bill Bean to be family and I love Bill Bean for coming all the way to Georgia to help me.
Sandra Clark 10/16/2016
My son just text that he had his deliverence with Bill and he too feels totally better. As a mother, you know I am more happy for him than myself.
With SINCERE, love and appreciation,
Betty Dow
"The Lord Yahweh has given Bill an amazing gift of light. The powers of darkness can attack us daily in many areas of our life, but Bill shows that there is victory and power in Yahweh to conquer and stand against the dark forces of this world and be a victor in Christ Jesus.
Judi Snyder
Bill has done his work and the feeling is very different now. It feels very calm here. No evil, no agitation, no dread.
God has truly chosen Bill. It’s like his soul is as light as air and pure as bright white light.
Beth Hanken
Hello Bill.
I heard you on the Kev Baker show on March 7th, 2016, and my life will never be the same again.
Thank you for all you do.
God Bless you
Hi Bill
I was listening to you on coast to coast am, and it was the best episode I have ever heard. I’ve been listening since I was 10 years old and I’m now 32. I heard you say that if people can’t afford your book that you would be willing to send it thru email. I think that is wonderful. I have fallen on some super hard times now and have been looking for work and had tons of interviews but nothing :( when I heard you speaking it reached out to me like no other and it’s was around 3am when I listened to you.
I just want you to know that you had a huge impact on me.
Stephen L
I dont even know what to say, I've been through so much the last 6 to 7 months and I thank God for helping. I'm so grateful for Bill, I contacted him a years ago had a 30 min conversation with him and then a prayer. I just felt wonderful afterward. Bill you might not remember me, but thank u so much, I would really like to meet u in person sometime just to tell my story and how God has worked in my life.
Justin Brode
“The story of the Bean family was featured on the Discovery Channels A Haunting series. The episode, which aired first in 2006, was entitled House of the Dead and is the most watched episode of the series.
John Singleton
The Pasadena Voice
This is to verify that William “Bill” Bean has been a special guest class speaker at several of my classes in a course called: Social Psychology & Belief in the Paranormal at UMBC. He has consistently been one of the more popular, interesting, and sincere speakers in the course. His heartfelt testimonial has moved many of the students, and he has been an inspiration for others. He does an excellent job of engaging the audience, and I hope to have him speak again!
S. Peter Resta Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology- UMBC
The “A Haunting- House of the Dead” episode is absolutely one of the best episodes to surface from this series. I was able to view this show for the first time about a month ago after having read the book by Mr. Bill Bean. I happened to see his book Dark Force while purchasing another book.
Having listened to several nationally syndicated radio talk shows,specifically CBS radio, I found Mr. Bean to be extremely credible. If you have not seen the episode “House of the Dead,” check the listings as it is a definite “must see."
Mike Suppa
Recording Artist for HBO's Entourage
Lead Guitarist for Mike Starr
Founding Member of Alice in Chains
Facelift & 5 Revolt
New York, NY
I first heard Bill Bean on the Coast-to-Coast radio show. That same night I sent him an email and he called me the next day. He helped deliver our church from the dark forces who had taken up residence in our old building. Bill has a GOD given gift for facing demonic and satanic forces. He stands against evil through powerful prayers and GOD answers his prayers of deliverance. Bill Bean is a force of GOD’S light and has become a great friend of mine. I know GOD can help deliver others from the hand of Satan through Bill Bean.
Pastor/Evangelist Jonathan Cobb
First Baptist Church West Harwich, MA
Bill Bean has been a consistent crowd pleasing speaker at the Mid-South Paranormal Convention several times. His lectures are always entertaining, very insightful, intense and always an uplifting message.
Keith Age
Host of Syfy’s Chiller TV, President of LGHS
Bill thank you very much for all of the help you have given to me and my family. You are truly a man of God,
and I wish you all the love of God in everything you do.
Steven Wolfe
His presentations are passionate and riveting tales that Bill shares with the audience of the horrible experiences he and his family dealt with while growing up as a young child. Bill explains how he overcame the terror, the oppression and evil forces to go on to let God use him as a vehicle and a warrior of the light to help others who are in need. Once you have the opportunity to meet and hear Bill's story, it will not only change your life but it will empower you as well. My life has been forever changed since meeting Bill and hearing his story.
Eric Altman
Host of Beyond The Edge Radio
We had Bill at our first ever Paranormal Expo, and we could not have been happier! Bill captivated the audience with his story and engaged all of our Expo attendees with his warm, caring, personality. Our group has already booked him for our second Expo in 2013!
Carl Suppa
President of Diamond State Ghost Investigators
We had some great discussions on various manifestations of entities from Angelic to Demonic entities and from Alien to the Ghost phenomena. Thank you, Mr. Bill Bean, for your heartfelt presentation.
Derrel Sims
The Houston UFO Network
When Bill came to our group meeting and spoke about his life story, it was a blessed encounter! I have never really spoken about my childhood and things that happened to me with anyone because of ridicule or people not believing me. But when Bill spoke, it brought all of my past back and at that moment I wasn’t afraid to speak out. Bill has this presence about him that he reaches inside your soul and makes you feel comfortable with things that are just not talked about!
Coordinator of MPRT Conference
Bill has been a guest speaker at several of our Paranormal Events, and he always fills the room with people wanting to meet him in person after learning about his story. Bill is one of the most in-demand speakers in the paranormal field. His story touches the hearts of many in search of answers.
Dave Weigert
Head of Maryland Paranormal Research
Bill Bean has been a regular guest on The Ghost Mafia Radio show and has spoken at numerous conventions including OmegaCon. Bill delivers a message of hope and inspiration to those that read his books and attends his lectures. Bill has assisted in helping people overcome their oppressions. His message is of love, hope and faith and is greatly beneficial for everyone.
Nathan Levan
The GM Radio Show
We had Bill on our show Southern Ohio Paranormal Radio, and I must say this man is a very genuine person and his calling is true.
Brian Klein
Host of Ohio Paranormal Radio
Your interview on Access Radio helped my lost boy come back. At the moment I was having a few problems with my 16 year old son, I could see he was drifting off the rails. So I got him to listen to your interview about how you had a hard life, how you turned things around, and how you didn't finish school— yet you wrote these books. You had such a positive impact on him, he is now making an effort to fix his life. Thank you for what you said, it made a difference and for that I'm grateful.
Helen Beachell
Listener of Access Radio
Bill Bean is truly a genuinely kind soul, who walks the walk and talks the talk. The impression he left on me from the first time we spoke was that of a man who is deeply committed to his faith, and is able to see the light- in even the darkest of moments. The light within him almost seems contageous, because you always walk away feeling better about yourself because you encountered him. In all frankness, I share this as my testimonial about my experience with Bill Bean, even though I am an Atheist. To Bill, it doesn't matter what your religious affiliation is, your orientation, race, sex or color. All that matters is that he sincerely loves every person he encounters and works tirelessly and selflessly to help everyone through his message of faith, triumph and victory. I can say I am a better person for knowing Bill.
Jenn Mitchell
Jenn Mitchell Graphic Designs
Radio Show Host of RockGasms and 80sGasm
Contributing Writer for Screamer Magazine
World Metal Report News Anchor
Brother Bill's spiritual warfare ministry was built on decades of real-life experiences. The Lord brought him up specifically for this fight. He is the spiritual warrior he is because GOD trained him up that way.
Steve Barrett